Amy & Joe's baby Joshua
Born in hospital, UK - December 2016
Amy and Joe welcomed their adorable little baby boy into the world around Christmas time.
Amy was relaxed and calm, even when Joshua needed a little help with forceps....
"I wanted to thank you so much for preparing me for Joshua's birth. Although I ended up in theatre with forceps, I feel I had a lovely HypnoBirthing experience. I went into labour naturally, and made it into the midwife led unit into the pool and got to 10cm with no pain relief. It's a shame that I couldn't have had in him the water, but regardless, I don't feel that it took away from my birthing experience. I can't tell you how calm and stress free the whole experience was - all the staff (and I went through a lot of midwives and doctors!) kept commenting on it too. I truly believe that had I not been HypnoBirthing, Joshua would have become stressed much earlier on and it would have led to a more rushed situation/birth at the end."